Recently, i downloaded a lot of latest NDS games from internet and hit the following error while starting the game.
Blast game free download. “Unable to load data. Turn the power off and reinsert the game card”
This is because my NDS R4 kernal is outdated(v1.08), can not support the latest game. After updated R4 kernel to latest version(v1.18), everything is working fine now.
Update R4 kernel manually is just a piece of cake, see following guidelines to update the R4 kernel :
1) Take out your R4 card (small card) from NDS.
I am going to use this on DSi, firmware 1.4.5. I ordered from you. What do I need to for that? Can you send me the guide for using this flashcart? Here you can download file DSMENU. 2shared gives you an excellent opportunity to store your files here and share them with others. Join our community just now to flow with the file DSMENU and make our shared file collection even more complete and exciting. Were can i download DSMENU.DAT Discussion in ' NDS - Flashcarts and Accessories ' started by bulldogs000001, Apr 21, 2008. By bulldogs000001 Apr 21, 2008 at 3:25 AM 22,346 Views 0 Likes.
2) Plug your R4 card into USB pen drive which support micro SD, (USB pen drive that you used to copy game). Your R4 file content should like this :
3) Go here to download the latest R4kernal.
4) R4 Kernal file is something like “English-1.18.rar”, you need “winrar” to unzip it. please go
to download if you do not have winrar installed in your computer.
to download if you do not have winrar installed in your computer.
5) Unzip it, the _DS_MENU.DAT and _DS_MSHL.NDS are core files for R4 kernel.
6) Copy all the unzip kernel files above to your R4 card and REPLACE IT ALL. (Please remember backup , just in case).
7) Unplug your USB pen drive and reinsert your R4 card, enjoy your game.